关于「 b10c」的内容列表

Bitcoin Developer: F2Pool May Have Started Filtering OFAC-Sanctioned Transactions Again

According to a blog post by bitcoin developer b10c, in the past few weeks, b10c has detected 15 missing transactions from OFAC sanctioned addresses, spread across 14 blocks, 11 of which were mined by F2Pool and one each by SBI Crypto, ViaBTC, and Foundry USA. After analyzing these blocks, b10c believes that F2Pool may have started filtering transactions sanctioned by the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) again, but since F2Pool is currently the only mining pool that may be filt...

2025-01-17 12:29:19

据比特币开发者b10c博客文章,过去几周b10c检测到15笔来自 OFAC 制裁地址的缺失交易,这些缺失交易分布在14个区块里,其中11 个区块由 F2Pool 开采,SBI Crypto、ViaBTC 和 Foundry USA 各开采一个区块。b10c分析这些区块后认为 F2Pool 可能已经开始再次过滤美国财政部海外资产控制办公室(OFAC)制裁的交易,但由于 F2Pool 目前是唯一可能进行过滤的矿池,因此不会影响比特...

2025-01-17 12:29:19

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